Friday 8 June 2012

Discrimination against Women


In this ad you obviosly that this is discrimitory ad because the media is going against one specific gender. The media is saying that just because women can do something, everyone can do something. This ad is extremely discriminating women but thi ad was made 60-80 years ago. The world was not as sophisticated and intelligent as it is now. The world now will not convey this kinds of messages otherwise the society will pursue majour consequences.

Language, techniques, codes and conventions

As I said earlier this ad is discriminitory but has other qualities in the text that conveys the ad so well. The qualities are firstly the style the text is written. The text is written in a question but is written slanted and not properly. This showing that the media wants to show people that anyone can do what a women can do. They make it sound very unintelligent because of the way they introduce the ad. The font is in bubble letter and looks likes this ad would be appealing to children. Furthermore, this ad is shows different colours that would appeal to small children. Overall, this add is trying to make sure the audience knows that the bottle cap can be opened by anyone because it can be opened by women.

Interprets the message differently

The media would interpret this message as if it was true. Most people would interpret this message as something worng because of their beliefs and values. Their beliefs and values will tell them that women and men are equal and this ad is not true. It depends on the types of beliefs or values the society has to really judge any ad. But anyone in the world can identify this as a discriminitory add that should have not been released. This ad is totally inappropriate because kids may take this in a wrong way. Kids could live like this forever and always think that women are less then men. This will make the kids grow up to the women feeling low but the men in power. Which is happening in the common household all around the world. In conclusion may people cannot interpret this message in good way because of how the message is conveyed.

Racist Commercial- Suicide Bomber


An Arab man goes into a car and is a suicide bomber. Basically the Arab person is trying to blow up the restaurant because he is a suicide bomber who wants to kill all the people. This ad is showing that the volkswagen is strong and durable because it can last through a bomb.

Interpretation of the message

As a writer I would interpret this message as very stereotypical. This ad is extremely reacist and could be interpreted in a bad way from someone it would offend. The man in the commercial was from Arab and would take this ad very seriously because many arabs do not suicide bomb. Just because one or two people suicide bombed places does not mean the whole race does the same. Imagine when kids see this ad they will think that Arab are not the people to be with. This is how media shows people who to be like and who not to be like. Furthermore, how would the arab kids feel when they see this ad they would not like it. This will make them think they are destined to blow up and kill people just because of ads like this. In conclusion this ad is very racist and should not be allowed to be shown anywhere.

Political Implications

The ad does not give any political implication that they want to show. But by showing this ad they that the governemnt is not doing anything about this ad because the government do not care. This can be somewhat of an awarness to people to show that the government do not care and need to care to see why this ad should not belong.  The society also needs to take a stand because other people feel offened by this ad. The people who find this offensise should take a stand so that other people do not feel hurt or bad about ads like this one.The ad is impying that arabs are the only suicide bombers and we should penelize all arabs for what othe rpeople have done. Why did the adhave to have an arab, why did it not have a white, or black person.  In conclusion, I find this ad very offensive and many othe rpeople do as well.

Kobe Bryant, Simply the Best


A former Basketball player, Kobe Bryant, is in this commercial because he is such a great player. The 5 time championship winner is earing a Mcdonalds burger so other people could follow him.

Ideological and Value messages

In this commercial it portrays an NBA star eating a McDonalds sandwich to make other people eat it. Many commercials use this tactic and it surley works. This ad is different because you do not see an NBA star eating a McDonalds burger beecasue they want to stay fit. But in this case, Mcdonalds is implying that Mcdonalds is good for you. There are sublienmly telling that since Kobe Bryant is fit you will be fit as well. Also Mc Donalds is trying to say that you can be like Kobe Bryant if you eat McDonald’s sandwiches. However, McDonalds is giving out the wrong message to the people. Furthermore, McDonalds is trying to make people buy their burgers because an NBA basketball star are going to eat them. In conclusion, McDonalds could be giving out the wrong messge they sure are very succsessful as you have probably seen.

Languages and techniques

In this commercial there are many Languages,  and techniques that have huge effect on why the add is so succsessful. The first technique that they used is to show a crowd cheering which makes the audience think that something special is going to happen. The technique prepares the audience for what extraordinary things is going to happen. Secondly, they use bold and colourful text saying Kobe so the audience knows whats going to come. Thirdly, they use close up on Kobe to show that he is enjoying his sandwich so the audience feels as if they have to buy McDonalds as well. Finally, the media shows that Kobe Bryant throws the paer in and purposley misses the shot for humor. At the end they show him frowning because he missed the shot a even though it says we love to see you smile. The media said they love to see you smile because Kobe was frowning so it was some homour. In conclusion, they make such big NBA supperstar to eat the burger, so that other people follow him and they eat the burger as well.

Lions for $7!!!!


This ad shows that the Lion In the picture is worth seven dollars but in the other picture the lion was thirty five dollars and it was a stuffed animal. People are putting prices on real life animals while a stuffed one is thirty five dollars. Overall you can’t put a price on living thing and except people to buy a stuffed animal for 35 dollars.

All media are constructions

This media is an example of reality because this is exactly what is going on in the real world today. Basically zoos are selling lions for 7 dollars while they are selling stuffed animals for 35 dollars which is totally cruel.  You cannot put a price on animals because they are living things that have a life. We do not put a price on people because we respect each other unless we are in a third world country. We should respect animals as we respect ourselves, otherwise we will be in deep trouble. Furthermore animals are treated very poorly and need to help because they will be extinct. In conclusion, we put poor animals in cages for or own amusement and to have fun.

The media has commercial implications

The target audience is the society because they want to give awareness. So basically the media is taking a stand and want people to something about this outrage. The media wants to do something about what humans are doing to the world. They want the people to stand and fight for what is right. We should not have to live in a society where we do not feel safe. Basically, the media giving awareness we, our society, need to do something about what is going on. We have to remember animals are living things just like us. The animals should not have to suffer the society can take a stand. The society has to take stand because the media is giving the society awareness. In conclusion, the society needs to take a stand as the media is conveying in the ad.

Thursday 7 June 2012

Fish man?


This ad shows that the man in the picture is mutated because of climate. Basically since fish are dying changes in the world will happen. The changes for humans could be death or mutation. The world’s animals are changing so much because of climate change. This ad is trying to give us awareness for what could happen. The media want the people who see this ad to do something about global warming.

Ideological and value messages

The media contains ideological and value messages because the ideas in the text are not natural or normal. As you closely look at the ad you find it disgusting because it is not something you see every day.  Many people will find this ad disturbing but it exposes an important message. This ad is showing us in an unnatural way that pollution is something that many people do not really care about. The message that the media is trying to convey is for people to start caring for their environment. Pollution is very hazardous problem and is starting to take an effect on our society. The reason the media put a fish’s face on a human’s body is because thousands of fishes are dying every day because of the pollution and climate change. The ad implies that we could also die because if other animals are affected due to our negligence, humans could suffer the same consequences. Basically this is a construction of reality because in the world now this is slowly happening. In conclusion, this ad provides the possible upcoming events that will cause many predicaments.

Social and Political Implications

The media has many social and political implications because this ad gives awareness to the society. The social implications that are given in the ad are that the society is becoming more aware of the problem. The ad gives awareness to people because people do not know about this problem. The society will be aware and try to stop pollution. Also environmentalist groups will be trying to stop pollution because they will have more support from the society. The government implications that are portrayed in this ad are that the governments are not doing anything about pollution. The ad is trying to make people be aware of the government’s actions against pollution. The ad is showing that the government is not doing anything about the catastrophe. Also the people in higher positions are also not helping the people of the world. The President of the United States in 2007 was the empty headed George Bush who said that Global Warming is a hoax. This shows that the governments are trying to hide and not do anything about climate change, pollution, and global warming.  Overall, this ad shows diverse social and political implications as shown in the ad.