Friday 8 June 2012

Lions for $7!!!!


This ad shows that the Lion In the picture is worth seven dollars but in the other picture the lion was thirty five dollars and it was a stuffed animal. People are putting prices on real life animals while a stuffed one is thirty five dollars. Overall you can’t put a price on living thing and except people to buy a stuffed animal for 35 dollars.

All media are constructions

This media is an example of reality because this is exactly what is going on in the real world today. Basically zoos are selling lions for 7 dollars while they are selling stuffed animals for 35 dollars which is totally cruel.  You cannot put a price on animals because they are living things that have a life. We do not put a price on people because we respect each other unless we are in a third world country. We should respect animals as we respect ourselves, otherwise we will be in deep trouble. Furthermore animals are treated very poorly and need to help because they will be extinct. In conclusion, we put poor animals in cages for or own amusement and to have fun.

The media has commercial implications

The target audience is the society because they want to give awareness. So basically the media is taking a stand and want people to something about this outrage. The media wants to do something about what humans are doing to the world. They want the people to stand and fight for what is right. We should not have to live in a society where we do not feel safe. Basically, the media giving awareness we, our society, need to do something about what is going on. We have to remember animals are living things just like us. The animals should not have to suffer the society can take a stand. The society has to take stand because the media is giving the society awareness. In conclusion, the society needs to take a stand as the media is conveying in the ad.

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