Friday 8 June 2012

Kobe Bryant, Simply the Best


A former Basketball player, Kobe Bryant, is in this commercial because he is such a great player. The 5 time championship winner is earing a Mcdonalds burger so other people could follow him.

Ideological and Value messages

In this commercial it portrays an NBA star eating a McDonalds sandwich to make other people eat it. Many commercials use this tactic and it surley works. This ad is different because you do not see an NBA star eating a McDonalds burger beecasue they want to stay fit. But in this case, Mcdonalds is implying that Mcdonalds is good for you. There are sublienmly telling that since Kobe Bryant is fit you will be fit as well. Also Mc Donalds is trying to say that you can be like Kobe Bryant if you eat McDonald’s sandwiches. However, McDonalds is giving out the wrong message to the people. Furthermore, McDonalds is trying to make people buy their burgers because an NBA basketball star are going to eat them. In conclusion, McDonalds could be giving out the wrong messge they sure are very succsessful as you have probably seen.

Languages and techniques

In this commercial there are many Languages,  and techniques that have huge effect on why the add is so succsessful. The first technique that they used is to show a crowd cheering which makes the audience think that something special is going to happen. The technique prepares the audience for what extraordinary things is going to happen. Secondly, they use bold and colourful text saying Kobe so the audience knows whats going to come. Thirdly, they use close up on Kobe to show that he is enjoying his sandwich so the audience feels as if they have to buy McDonalds as well. Finally, the media shows that Kobe Bryant throws the paer in and purposley misses the shot for humor. At the end they show him frowning because he missed the shot a even though it says we love to see you smile. The media said they love to see you smile because Kobe was frowning so it was some homour. In conclusion, they make such big NBA supperstar to eat the burger, so that other people follow him and they eat the burger as well.

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