Friday 8 June 2012

Discrimination against Women


In this ad you obviosly that this is discrimitory ad because the media is going against one specific gender. The media is saying that just because women can do something, everyone can do something. This ad is extremely discriminating women but thi ad was made 60-80 years ago. The world was not as sophisticated and intelligent as it is now. The world now will not convey this kinds of messages otherwise the society will pursue majour consequences.

Language, techniques, codes and conventions

As I said earlier this ad is discriminitory but has other qualities in the text that conveys the ad so well. The qualities are firstly the style the text is written. The text is written in a question but is written slanted and not properly. This showing that the media wants to show people that anyone can do what a women can do. They make it sound very unintelligent because of the way they introduce the ad. The font is in bubble letter and looks likes this ad would be appealing to children. Furthermore, this ad is shows different colours that would appeal to small children. Overall, this add is trying to make sure the audience knows that the bottle cap can be opened by anyone because it can be opened by women.

Interprets the message differently

The media would interpret this message as if it was true. Most people would interpret this message as something worng because of their beliefs and values. Their beliefs and values will tell them that women and men are equal and this ad is not true. It depends on the types of beliefs or values the society has to really judge any ad. But anyone in the world can identify this as a discriminitory add that should have not been released. This ad is totally inappropriate because kids may take this in a wrong way. Kids could live like this forever and always think that women are less then men. This will make the kids grow up to the women feeling low but the men in power. Which is happening in the common household all around the world. In conclusion may people cannot interpret this message in good way because of how the message is conveyed.

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