Friday 8 June 2012

Racist Commercial- Suicide Bomber


An Arab man goes into a car and is a suicide bomber. Basically the Arab person is trying to blow up the restaurant because he is a suicide bomber who wants to kill all the people. This ad is showing that the volkswagen is strong and durable because it can last through a bomb.

Interpretation of the message

As a writer I would interpret this message as very stereotypical. This ad is extremely reacist and could be interpreted in a bad way from someone it would offend. The man in the commercial was from Arab and would take this ad very seriously because many arabs do not suicide bomb. Just because one or two people suicide bombed places does not mean the whole race does the same. Imagine when kids see this ad they will think that Arab are not the people to be with. This is how media shows people who to be like and who not to be like. Furthermore, how would the arab kids feel when they see this ad they would not like it. This will make them think they are destined to blow up and kill people just because of ads like this. In conclusion this ad is very racist and should not be allowed to be shown anywhere.

Political Implications

The ad does not give any political implication that they want to show. But by showing this ad they that the governemnt is not doing anything about this ad because the government do not care. This can be somewhat of an awarness to people to show that the government do not care and need to care to see why this ad should not belong.  The society also needs to take a stand because other people feel offened by this ad. The people who find this offensise should take a stand so that other people do not feel hurt or bad about ads like this one.The ad is impying that arabs are the only suicide bombers and we should penelize all arabs for what othe rpeople have done. Why did the adhave to have an arab, why did it not have a white, or black person.  In conclusion, I find this ad very offensive and many othe rpeople do as well.

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