Thursday 7 June 2012

Fish man?


This ad shows that the man in the picture is mutated because of climate. Basically since fish are dying changes in the world will happen. The changes for humans could be death or mutation. The world’s animals are changing so much because of climate change. This ad is trying to give us awareness for what could happen. The media want the people who see this ad to do something about global warming.

Ideological and value messages

The media contains ideological and value messages because the ideas in the text are not natural or normal. As you closely look at the ad you find it disgusting because it is not something you see every day.  Many people will find this ad disturbing but it exposes an important message. This ad is showing us in an unnatural way that pollution is something that many people do not really care about. The message that the media is trying to convey is for people to start caring for their environment. Pollution is very hazardous problem and is starting to take an effect on our society. The reason the media put a fish’s face on a human’s body is because thousands of fishes are dying every day because of the pollution and climate change. The ad implies that we could also die because if other animals are affected due to our negligence, humans could suffer the same consequences. Basically this is a construction of reality because in the world now this is slowly happening. In conclusion, this ad provides the possible upcoming events that will cause many predicaments.

Social and Political Implications

The media has many social and political implications because this ad gives awareness to the society. The social implications that are given in the ad are that the society is becoming more aware of the problem. The ad gives awareness to people because people do not know about this problem. The society will be aware and try to stop pollution. Also environmentalist groups will be trying to stop pollution because they will have more support from the society. The government implications that are portrayed in this ad are that the governments are not doing anything about pollution. The ad is trying to make people be aware of the government’s actions against pollution. The ad is showing that the government is not doing anything about the catastrophe. Also the people in higher positions are also not helping the people of the world. The President of the United States in 2007 was the empty headed George Bush who said that Global Warming is a hoax. This shows that the governments are trying to hide and not do anything about climate change, pollution, and global warming.  Overall, this ad shows diverse social and political implications as shown in the ad.

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